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11.8 million tourist arrivals in Morocco at the end of August

The Directorate of Studies and Financial Forecasts (DEPF) under the Ministry of Economy and Finance, indicated that tourist arrivals in Morocco reached 11.8 million people at the end of August 2024, up 16% compared to at the same time a year ago.

In its recent economic report, citing statistics from the National Airports Office (ONDA), the DEPF explains that“at the end of the first eight months of 2024, 11.8 million arrivals were recorded in Morocco, an increase of 16%, or 1.6 million additional arrivals”.

As for overnight stays in classified accommodation establishments, their number increased by 8% at the end of July 2024, reaching 15.4 million overnight stays.

This performance reflects the growth recorded of 6% in the first month of the third quarter as well as the increase of 13% recorded in the second quarter and that of 2.9% in the first quarter.

By segment, this development was driven, more particularly, by the 13% increase in overnight stays for non-residents.

Concerning tourism receipts, they strengthened by 9.5% in the first month of the third quarter of 2024, after +9.4% in the second quarter and a contraction of 4.2% in the first quarter of this year. At the end of July 2024, these revenues are around 59.4 billion dirhams, an increase of 3.5% compared to the end of July 2023.


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