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SENEGAL-AGRICULTURE / The revision of the agrosilvopastoral and fisheries orientation law aims to strengthen the coherence of the legislative framework for the sector (official) – Senegalese Press Agency

Diamniadio, September 28 (APS) – The revision of the agrosylvopastoral and fisheries orientation law, which brought together several stakeholders on Friday in Diamniadio, aims to strengthen the effectiveness and coherence of the legislative framework in relation to the sector, underlined the director of office of the Secretary of State for Cooperatives and Peasant Supervision.

”The revision of the Agrosylvopastoral and Fisheries Orientation Law is part of a dynamic of accountability, but also of rigorous evaluation of public policies, with a view to strengthening the effectiveness and coherence of our legislative framework in relation to sector”, declared Djibril Diop.

He chaired the opening of the sharing and information workshop dedicated to the process of revising the Agrosylvopastoral and Fisheries Orientation Law, organized in the premises of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Livestock. , in Diamniadio.

The chief of staff of the Secretary of State for Cooperatives and Farmers’ Support indicated that the approach adopted since the start of the revision process is based on the principles of listening, consultation and involvement of all stakeholders, ensuring that no one is left stranded, in accordance with the principle of inclusion in the conduct of major reforms.

”This revision is part of the President of the Republic’s desire to make the primary sector play a determining, indispensable role in achieving food sovereignty, promoting economic growth and creating decent jobs in the country. Senegal,” he added.

Officials, technical and financial partners, experts and specialists in agricultural issues took part in this meeting.




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