DayFR Euro

The European Court’s decision on the Morocco-EU fishing agreement expected in October

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has announced that it will deliver its verdict on October 4 on the appeal of the Council of the European Union against an earlier decision invalidating the fisheries agreement between the EU and Morocco. This agreement, which binds the two parties, was declared invalid by the CJEU in September 2021, sparking an intense debate both politically and legally.

The fishing agreement, which offers tariff advantages and fishing rights to European vessels in Moroccan waters, was contested by the Polisario had filed a complaint, arguing that the agreement violated the rights of inhabitants of the southern regions of Morocco . In response, the CJEU initially ruled in favor of the Polisario, thus invalidating the agreement.

Faced with this verdict, the EU Council and the European Commission appealed, calling the decision a “dangerous legal precedent”. According to them, the Polisario does not have the necessary legal capacity to represent the Sahrawi people, thus making the previous judgment non-compliant with the legal and diplomatic standards in force. European institutions defend the legitimacy of the fisheries agreement, emphasizing its importance for economic cooperation between the EU and Morocco.

For Morocco, this fishing agreement is much more than a simple commercial treaty. It represents a pillar of strategic cooperation with the European Union. The southern provinces of Morocco, rich in fishing resources, are at the heart of this agreement, and their inclusion is seen as an implicit recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over these territories.

The CJEU’s decision is awaited with great impatience on both sides of the Mediterranean. For European fishermen, the agreement represents a vital source of income, while for Morocco it is a question of sovereignty and international recognition. Observers agree that the October 4 verdict could have significant repercussions on relations between the EU and Morocco, as well as on the political situation in Morocco’s southern regions.

While awaiting the verdict, reactions are divided. On the European side, we hope for a cancellation of the 2021 judgment, thus allowing the resumption of fishing activities in Moroccan waters. Morocco remains confident in the strength of their partnership with the EU and hopes that the CJEU will recognize the legitimacy of the agreement.


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