DayFR Euro

William Forgues has a historic round for

The athlete from Quebec did not take any chances with the competition by playing this magical round on his first outing on the course.

“We play three rounds in the final, but it puts a lot of pressure on the rest because you want to show that it’s not a flash in the pan. As I had missed the first tournament of the season, I had to continue to scorer if I wanted to get my hands on the provincial individual title.”

The administration student had never set foot on the Gatineau field.

“I guess it’s become my favorite ground. I had already played a round of 64 at Lorette four years ago. To beat my record at an important moment for the Rouge et Or makes me very proud. It was really enjoyable.”

Forgues also consulted his coach after this historic round because he wanted to continue to do well.

“I checked my mental approach with him because you can’t pretend this round doesn’t exist. He asked me to use my breathing to stay in the present moment. A technique that worked well because I finished with two rounds of 68 shots to get my hands on my second consecutive individual provincial title.”

The 22-year-old said he was privileged to have been able to experience these moments, he also had a little pressure on his last putt.

“My teammate Félix Dubé set a record this year for by playing 65 shots on a par 73 for a total of -8 in the first tournament of the year where I was absent. He was near the green to see me hit my last shot and beat his record. He told me that I hadn’t left him with his record for too long,” explains Forgues with a laugh.

William Forgues poses proudly with the provincial banner which returns to the fold of the Rouge et Or. (Jean Carrier/The Sun)

sweet revenge

After being beaten by Bishop’s University last year in the provincial championship, which broke a streak of 20 consecutive seasons with the provincial championship banner for Laval, there was no question for Forgues and his teammates of seeing the scenario play out. reproduce again.

They outrageously dominated the competition to bring home the provincial title. The girls also won to achieve the double.

“This year there was a strong feeling of revenge. There was no question that the team title would escape us again. We played well all season and won easily. We’re starting a new sequence!”

William Forgues performs with his putter. (Red and Gold)

Attacking the Canadian Championship

Forgues now has its sights set on the national championship which will be contested next June. Last year, he took second place in Canada in the tournament which was played in Ontario.

“We will continue to prepare for that. Our coach Mathieu Paradis has really improved our strategic approach to golf this season. He did an excellent job on this aspect and it shows in my game. I expect to see the tournament be played in Western Canada.

Finally, despite a thunderous season, the golfer has no plans to turn professional after his amateur career ends. With a field of expertise in accounting, Forgues prefers to put his energies for the moment towards this future career.


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