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The average salary has increased: here is how much Quebecers earn per week in 2024

In the midst of a continued rise in the cost of living, you may be wondering if your salary corresponds to the average income in Quebec. Well, the new data for July 2024 is here and it’s time to see if your income is within the norm, or if you should start taking a look at different income opportunities.

Also read: Here’s how much you need to earn to live without poverty in 2024 in Quebec

Monthly, Statistics Canada publishes its report entitled “Employment, remuneration and hours of work, and job vacancies”, which offers a complete overview of the salary situation in each province. The latest report, published on September 26, 2024, shows an increase in wages in Quebec. In fact, we discover that the Quebec population earned almost 4% more per week in July, the most recent period available, compared to last year.

How much is the raverage weekly income in Quebec?

According to the latest data compiled by Statistics Canada, the average remuneration per week in Quebec was $1,207.76 in July 2024, an increase of 3.98% compared to the same month in 2023. Last year, this figure stood at $1,161.56.

On an annual basis, this amount represents a salary of approximately63 014 $.

Although this is an increase in la belle province, this number is nevertheless lower than the remuneration for all of Canada, which amounts to $1,267.54 for July 2024, or approximately $66,080 per year.

Only four Canadian provinces pocket less than Quebec on a weekly basis according to the latest data: Prince Edward Island ($1,024.55), Nova Scotia ($1,069.98), New Brunswick ($1,103. $64) and Manitoba ($1,102.83). The province with the best average is Nunavut, with its small population of 38,780 people, whose weekly income is $1,606.09.

Our neighbors in Ontario, for their part, pocketed $1,240.46 per week in July 2024.

While “40-hour weeks” are commonly used terms, it is interesting to note that the average number of hours worked per week in the country was 33.5 hours.

Is the salary of Quebecers enough to live well?

To make a living from it, yes. For GOOD living there is subjective, while the cost of living varies from city to city.

Annually, the Institute for Socioeconomic Research and Information (IRIS) publishes an estimate of viable income in Quebec, calculated to determine the amount necessary to maintain a relatively comfortable standard of living.

According to this study, in 2024, a single person in Quebec would need an income between $30,738 and $43,609 to achieve this standard of living. For a family of four, the required income would be between $72,788 and $86,585.

It appears that the average salary of Quebecers exceeds the viable income estimated by IRIS for a single person or a family, provided that both parents have a job.

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