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a brawl with hammers and crutches in the courtyard of a high school


The events, which took place Friday September 27 at Rosa Parks high school in , caused the new Minister of Education to react. There are two injured.

“Wallah, they are getting fucked up, window breaking, the Koran is getting fucked up”. In flowery language, a young man films and comments on the violent fight taking place before his eyes. The scene took place in the courtyard of the Rosa Parks high school in Montgeron (Essonne) on Friday September 27 shortly before 10:30 a.m.

In this thirty-second video, widely relayed on social networks, we see around ten teenagers fighting each other with punches and kicks. One is armed with a hammer, another with a crutch. Two high school students were slightly injured during this brawl. The first, aged 18 and known to the police, has an open wound on his face after receiving blows with a hammer. The second, aged 17, was beaten while he was on the ground. This fight could be linked to a rivalry between neighborhoods, according to a police source.

“The School is a sanctuary”

“The images of the attack on a student with a hammer by one of his classmates in the courtyard of a high school in Essonne are unacceptable. The School is a sanctuary where the knowledge and values ​​of the Republic are taught. I will not deviate from this line and will support the application of disciplinary and criminal sanctions whenever necessary to teach respect for the rules.reacted the Minister of National Education, Anne Genetet.

“Human reinforcements from the police and National Education were deployed on site yesterday and are present this morning to ensure security in the premises and on the way to the school. They will remain there for as long as necessary. No one should attack the School, its teachers, its staff or its students. I won’t let anything go.”she continued.

“The principal requested the presence of a regional security brigade on Friday which was dispatched to the site immediately”indicates the Île-de- region. “Valérie Pécresse condemned this violence yesterday and demanded the greatest severity in the face of these acts and assured that the regional security brigade will remain as long as it takes to restore calm”we are told.

An investigation has been opened. The authors have not yet been identified.


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