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soon a logistics building in this field?


Thomas Bernard

Published on

September 28, 2024 at 4:24 p.m.

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Along the departmental road 771 in Pouancé (Maine-et-), agricultural land makes up the landscape of the Cochin area. Ultimately, concrete may take place.

A modification of the PLUI

Since September 11, 2024, a public inquiry is in progress regarding common law modification no. 2 of the local intercommunal town planning plan (PLUI) of Armaillé, BouilléMénard, Bourg-l’Evêque, Carbay and Ombrée d’Anjou.

An effective consultation until October 11 to issue an opinion on this modification.

Anjou Bleu Community wishes to carry out the urbanization of a plot of 2.8 hectares located “in zone 2AUy” in Bois Cochin, property of the municipality of Ombrée d’Anjou, to accommodate “an economic development project of community interest”as reported in the order opening a public inquiry, dated July 9, 2024.

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Soon a 30,000 m2 building?

But what is the economic project mentioned by the community? In a presentation notice, published by Anjou Bleu Communauté, the challenge is “to enable the establishment a logistics building of around 30,000 m²intended for a logistics activity and leading to the creation of around a hundred jobs.

Mention is also made of 750 m² of offices, 700 m² of premises techniques but also a parking lot for 80 to 100 spaces. The project sector for the construction of this logistics platform is located at the eastern entrance to the city, at the intersection between the RD775 ( axis) and RD 771 ( axis).

This urbanization would only be possible thanks to the modification of the PLUI. Faced with this possibility, an opposing collective to this concretization of Bois Cochin was created.

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