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A student attacked with a hammer in a high school in Essonne, an investigation opened

google maps This Friday, September 27, a very violent fight broke out between several students in the courtyard of the Rosa-Parks high school in , in Essonne. (Illustrative photo of the high school)

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This Friday, September 27, a very violent fight broke out between several students in the courtyard of the Rosa-Parks high school in Montgeron, in Essonne. (Illustrative photo of the high school)

MISCELLANEOUS FACTS – The video of the brawl circulated widely on social networks. Friday September 27, a very violent fight broke out between several students in the courtyard of the Rosa-Parks high school in Montgeron, in Essonne. One of the high school students was attacked with a hammer.

These images are “unacceptable”wrote on X, this Saturday, September 28, Anne Genetet, the Minister of National Education. It also indicates “that a police investigation has been opened with a view to referral to the courts”. Le HuffPost takes stock of this matter.

• Scene filmed from a classroom

The brawl took place around 10:35 a.m., during the first recess of the day, according to information from Parisian.

In images circulating on social networks and filmed from a classroom, we see a teenager holding a student to the ground, while another high school student hits him several times with a hammer. Faced with the incredible violence of this video, Le HuffPost has chosen not to share it with its readers.

According to the local branch of the Actu site, another student also hit another participant in the back with a crutch. The scene took place to the cries of many high school students present in the courtyard at that time, specifies the media.

• Two lightly injured

“We regret two minor injuries who were immediately received by the nurses. The parents of the victims have been alerted”specified the management of the establishment in an internal message, which our colleagues at Parisian.

• « Reinforced security » and open investigation

The management of Rosa-Parks high school also indicated in the same message that they had informed the local police station. “ The regional security brigade (BRS) was urgently dispatched and showed up at the beginning of the afternoon”specifies the establishment.

The Essonne prefecture agrees, explaining that the surroundings of the high school are subject to a “reinforced security” since Friday afternoon and an investigation is open.

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“Human reinforcements from the police and National Education were deployed on site yesterday [vendredi] and are present this morning to ensure security in the compound and on the way to the school. They will remain as long as necessary.confirmed the Minister of National Education on X. And Anne Genetet concludes : “No one should attack the School, its teachers, its staff or its students. I won’t let anything pass ».

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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