DayFR Euro

“We can bring the Barnier government to its knees”

What do you expect from Michel Barnier’s general policy speech on Tuesday?

A Prime Minister should first show that he has heard the French people who voted in the legislative elections. His positions indicate the opposite… On June 30, his party came in last position; on July 7, the left came out on top. While the Republican front prevented the National Rally from winning and governing, Michel Barnier immediately placed himself under the tutelage of the far right. He went so far as to publicly criticize his Minister of the Economy who had dared to point out that the RN is not in the republican arc and to call Marine Le Pen to flatly apologize. We have moved from the Republican front to the Republican affront.

The only way to take into account the results of the legislative elections would have been to have a New Popular Front Prime Minister?

This is what the President of the Republic should naturally have done. He had a political, if not moral, obligation to call Lucie Castets at Matignon at the end of July, asking her to wait until the end of the Games before taking office. We had to give alternation a chance, even if everyone knows that compromises would have had to be found, the New Popular Front not having an absolute majority in the Assembly.

There was no way to agree around a left-wing personality who did not defend “the whole program, nothing but the program”?

Lucie Castets never said “any program, nothing but the program”.

Bernard Cazeneuve in Matignon, “a fable”

Others did it in his place…

Jean-Luc Mélenchon launched this formula on the evening of the second round, but Lucie Castets and all the presidents of the parliamentary groups in our coalition – LFI included – then called for solutions to enable the country to move forward. We were all willing to make compromises, certainly on the basis of the program that came out on top, but without making any ukases by pretending that we had won an absolute victory. It’s a relative victory. And Jean-Luc Mélenchon said he agreed to support a popular front government without the participation of rebellious ministers. All…


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