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known political figure in Seine-et-, Jean-Louis Thiériot appointed minister delegate


Geoffrey Faucheux

Published on

September 27, 2024 at 5:45 p.m.

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He will finally enter the government. Indeed, this Friday September 27, 2024two delegate ministers are added to the list announced on Saturday September 21. It is about Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq (Horizons), appointed Minister Delegate for Disability, and Jean-Louis Thiériot (LR), a well-known name in Seine-et-Marne, appointed Minister Delegate for of Minister of the Armed Forces, Sebastien Lecornu. He will take care of veterans and the memory and will also be entrusted with missions in international areas, the territorial influence of the ministry and the ecological transition.

Political career in Seine-et-Marne

Cet lawyer by profession, aged 55, was mayor of the small town of Beauvoirlocated north of gravefor 10 years (2008-2018) and has also been a departmental advisor since 2015.

We also remember his appointment as president of the Department in March 2018, following the death of Jean-Jacques Barbauxbefore giving way to Patrick Septiers in July of the same year.

But it is above all for its role of deputy of the third constituency (cantons of Moret, Montereau, Mormant and Le Châtelet-en-Brie), responsibility which he has held since July 15, 2018, that Jean-Louis Thiériot is known in Seine-et-Marnais.

Since July 2024 and his second re-election to this position, as part of the legislative elections following the dissolution of the Assembly, he has been the only LR deputy in the department.

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Engagement local

Among his recent local commitments, we can notably cite his fight against the Crisenoy prison: “The decision which was taken was not the subject of any serious consultation with the inhabitants of Crisenoy, who experienced it as a real arm of honor to rural communities. My question is simple: is there consistency between justice policy and environmental policy? », He asked in March 2023, as part of a question session in the National Assembly.

He was then told that “major national projects will not be subject to ‘zero artificialization’ obligations.”

Renowned for his almost daily presence on the ground, in the four corners of his constituency, and for his speaking skillswhich mean that he rarely goes unnoticed when he goes to any inauguration or public meeting, Jean-Louis Thiériot has another side: that ofessayist.

“I measure the crushing load that weighs on my shoulders”

The brand new delegate minister is thus the author of several works on major historical figures such as Franz Ferdinand of Austria, Margaret Thatcher or, more recently, Charles de Gaulle.

Still on this same literary aspect, in 2023, Jean-Louis Thiériot positioned himself against “cancel culture” by proposing a law prohibiting the rewriting of books after the death of the author.

Finally, it is important to note that this appointment to the post of Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Armed Forces, Sebastien Lecornuowes nothing to chance. And for good reason, the Seine-et-Marnais MP is also a specialist in defense issues. In fact, it occupies the function of vice-president of the Defense committee national and armed forces in the Assembly.

“I measure in this moment the crushing load that weighs on my shoulders. It is about protecting the memory of the men and women who served us, it is about helping to give those who serve the means they need. Naturally, I will accomplish this mission with all my strength,” reacted the main person concerned after his appointment.

Before concluding with a word for his deputy for the post of deputy: “I will remain as present as possible in our constituency. I know she will be in good hands. Michel Gonordmayor of Champagne-sur-Seinewill replace me as long as I exercise ministerial functions. It is a listening man and dialogue, which helped transform his city.”

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