DayFR Euro

VIDEO – Roads flooded in Pas-de- following heavy rains

Downpours, wind gusts over 100 km/h. Pas-de- has suffered significant bad weather since Thursday evening with significant quantities of water falling in 24 hours in Calaisis (45mm), Audomarois (31mm), Boulonnais (21mm). According to the Pas-de-Calais prefecture, which took stock of the situation this Friday at 4 p.m., the precipitation should lose intensity and stop at the end of the day. They should not resume this weekend.

However, in recent hours, rivers have burst their banks, mudslides have crossed villages, invaded the roads, as if Wirvignes, near Devres or Hubersent.

Still according to the prefecture, since Thursday evening, firefighters carried out 18 interventions, the vast majority for affected roads. Traffic is thus disrupted on several axes, notably in the municipalities of Hervelinghen, Bazinghen, Frethun, Peuplingues, Hames-Boucres, Guînes and Campagne-lès-Guînes.

Ditches overflow in Wirvignes, near Desvres © Radio
Alice Marot
The road leading to Hubersent, covered in water © Radio France
Alice Marot

Barricaded houses

Many residents in the area barricaded their homes, fearing that water would infiltrate.

In Cormont, we take precautions to prevent water from entering homes © Radio France
Alice Marot
In the town of Cormont, some residents barricade themselves © Radio France
Alice Marot

The Liane, Hem and Canche basins have been placed on yellow flood alert. switching to orange is not considered at this stage. The prefect of Pas-de-Calais has placed the departmental operational center on pre-alert to monitor developments in the situation.


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