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“In the name of the Father, Money and the Holy Spirit”: discover our exclusive investigation into the money of the Belgian Catholic Church

Where does the Catholic Church’s money come from and how is it used? This is the subject of an exclusive investigation entitled “In the name of the Father, of the Money and of the Holy Spirit”, carried out by Christophe Deborsu, Xavier Gérard, Denis Caudron and Catherine Vanzeveren.

Religious congregations, such as the Sisters of Notre-Dame in Namur, hold considerable funds. “More or less 7 million”, says Sister Pauline, responsible for accounts. This sum was raised thanks to the fact that the sisters have always donated their salary and pension to the congregation. Around two thousand euros per month per sister. They are nevertheless entitled to pocket money: around 200 euros per month. And for extras (a gift to buy, a hairdresser to treat themselves), they can ask to receive a little more punctually. “I took a vow of poverty”, recalls one of them.

However, despite these resources, the Sisters of Notre Dame are experiencing increasing financial difficulties due to declining membership and increasing health care expenses.

According to our information, some congregations have up to 10 or even 15 million in their accounts. Others are significantly poorer.

For its part, the State subsidizes the Church by paying the salaries of priests and the maintenance of churches. This annual funding amounts to 300 million euros: it is 75% of what all organized religions and secularism receive. A share in constant decline since the 90s, when the Catholic Church was in the 95%.


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