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Seine-Saint-Denis is banking on an “attractiveness plan” to stop the phenomenon of avoidance of its colleges

In the corridors of the Pablo-Neruda college, in Aulnay-sous- (Seine-Saint-Denis), September 10, 2024. CAMILLE MILLERAND/DIVERGENCE FOR “LE MONDE”

When he talks about the department he leads, the socialist Stéphane Troussel is in the habit of saying that in Seine-Saint-Denis “Everything changes, except school”The youngest and poorest territory in may be experiencing significant changes, but it remains characterised by strong social and educational segregation. “Seine-Saint-Denis is undergoing rapid and massive transformation on a social, urban and economic level, lists Stéphane Troussel, president of the departmental council since 2012. It is at a tipping point and it is not possible for the school to remain on the side of the road.”

One of the answers can be summed up in one word: diversity. And it is to promote it that the department and the rectorate of Créteil, on which Seine-Saint-Denis depends, announced, on September 2, the launch of a joint plan to promote the attractiveness of public colleges in the “93”, accompanied by the upcoming inauguration of a “Observatory of school diversity and attractiveness”.

Eleven colleges are targeted from the start of the 2024 school year, 14 more at the start of the 2025 school year, then another 15 in 2026, i.e. a total of around forty establishments, approximately a third of those in the department. They will benefit from specific funding from the rectorate to enrich the “training offer” of “attractive sections”such as classes with flexible timetables to combine schooling and artistic practice, international sections, or sports sections. The so-called “8 a.m. to 6 p.m.” system will also be implemented, designed to offer students, during this time range, sports activities, workshops, and academic support, in particular in conjunction with local associations.

“False image”

For its part, the department is committed – without specifying the amount of the financial envelope – to ensuring that the colleges included in the plan are “prioritized” in terms of investment in equipment or project financing, while specifying that this does not call into question the “overall priorities at the department level”.

The courtyard of Pablo-Neruda college, in Aulnay-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis), September 10, 2024. CAMILLE MILLERAND/DIVERGENCE FOR “LE MONDE”

“The origin of this plan dates back a little over a year and comes from the shared observation of a phenomenon of avoidance of public colleges which undermines social and educational diversity”explains the rector of the country’s second academy, Julie Benetti.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers At the Pablo-Neruda college in Aulnay-sous-Bois, a plan to break segregation and “show that excellence also exists in these neighborhoods”

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In some establishments of Seine-Saint-Denis, the avoidance rate, i.e. the proportion of the number of students enrolled in public primary schools who do not join the middle school in their sector, reaches 35%. Some access another public middle school through exemptions; others circumvent the school map by enrolling in a private establishment under contract, which is more favored. In the public middle schools of Seine-Saint-Denis, the social position index (IPS), this tool used by the Ministry of National Education to determine the social profile of students and establishments, is much lower than the national average (87.9 compared to 100), and significantly lower than the average IPS of the private middle schools in the department, itself in the national average for this sector (118 compared to 117).

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