DayFR Euro

SGBS: Nearly two (2) billion stolen

A manager of Société Générale Sénégal (SGS, formerly SGBS) named A. D was sent to prison by the senior judge last week. He is being prosecuted for fraud, forgery and use of forged bank documents, obtaining undue advantages by introducing into a computer system and money laundering.

The accused was responsible at SGS for validating international transfers from other banks. He is accused of having carried out fraudulent transactions totaling 1 billion 911 million CFA francs.

The scam was discovered through an internal audit. This first revealed a hole of 139 million 407 thousand 150 CFA francs through eight transfers made between February and August 2024. The auditors then noticed that the stolen amounts amounted to 413 million 21 thousand 88 CFA francs before arriving in their calculations at nearly 2 billion.

And it may not be over. The audit is still ongoing “and the amount of the damage should be revised upwards,” predicts Libération, which gives the information in its edition of this Thursday.

The newspaper reports that A. D. deposited the pumped funds in at least four accounts held in banks other than SGS, including those of his wife, “who lives in the USA”, and of a law firm “where his brother works as an accountant”.

Picked up by the DIC, the suspect’s brother declared, according to the same source, that his role consisted of recovering the money deposited in the account in question and giving it to A. D, without knowing that the operation was fraudulent.

Faced with investigators, A. D. admitted the facts after having tried to deny them, reports Libération. However, the newspaper informs, he limited the stolen funds to 413 million 21 thousand 88 CFA francs, adding that the money was intended for his social actions, particularly in “religious cities”.

The daily newspaper points out that the fraudulent transfers date back to 2013. It believes that “the case risks experiencing twists and turns that will cause a lot of damage in other structures.”


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