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SENEGAL-AFRICA-ENVIRONMENT / Kaolack: waste management and ecological transition on the menu of a workshop – Senegalese Press Agency

Kaolack, 26 Sept (APS) – An international workshop on waste management and ecological transition opened on Wednesday in Kaolack (center), on the theme: “strengthening our power to act for sustainable management of solid waste contributing to a fair ecological transition in West African cities”, noted the APS.

Planned for three days (from September 25 to 27), this meeting was initiated by Caritas Senegal, in partnership with Secours catholique-Caritas .

Supported by the French Development Agency (AFD), it was attended by Caritas branches from Mauritania, Burkina Faso and Mali and was held under the chairmanship of the prefect of the Kaolack department, Latyr Ndiaye.

Caritas Senegal has been committed since 1er October 2021, in the valorization of the experience capitalized by Caritas Kaolack, three decades ago, on the problem of waste management, recalled the diocesan director of Caritas Kaolack, Father Etienne Ndéné Ndong,

He indicated that this initiative found a “favorable ear” among the partners who support Caritas through the program “Territorial dynamics for a fair ecological transition” (DYT-ECO).

This program is implemented in the municipalities of Koumpentoum, Nguékokh, Wack-Ngouna, Karang Poste and Nioro du Rip.

“We wanted our experience to meet that of others and for our contribution to be added to all the efforts that are being carried out by the State of Senegal,” stressed Abbé Etienne Ndéné Ndong.

This workshop, which is a framework for exchanges and sharing, should make it possible to bring about an important turning point in waste management, he maintained.

Certainly, there is a “huge” amount of investment and funding, but the question that needs to be asked is whether the ecological transition has really begun.

“The investments, projects and programs of Caritas, the State and others must simply be catalysts and supports for a dynamic imprinted in the hearts of all Senegalese. And this requires a conversion,” said the director of Caritas Kaolack.

He specified that the ecological transition that Caritas wishes to “support and to which” it wants to “bring” its “meager contribution will consist of combining environmental solutions with social and sometimes even religious ones”. According to him, “the creature, the environment and nature are first and foremost a gift from God”.



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