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Suicide of a prisoner in prison: 10 months suspended sentence requested for a former officer of

She had to die for people to take an interest in her. A battered life, filled with suffering and anger. Few friends, almost no family. And then a suicide at 22. The kind you don’t talk about. Because it happens in prison, out of sight. Karima’s short life could have ended that day in October 2020 when her belongings were given to her last relatives in front of the gate of the women’s prison in (Val-de-). However, on Friday, September 20, for more than four hours, all we talked about was the young Parisian at the Créteil court.

Thanks to an unexpected alliance between female guards and other inmates who managed to raise the alarm, the circumstances in which Karima died were able to be investigated for several years. The kind of delicate case that magistrates only take on with a trembling hand. At the end of this investigation, the judge had sent back to court the man who was the head of detention at Fresnes at the time of the events. This very experienced officer, aged 54, was finally tried for failure to assist a person in danger. A ten-month suspended prison sentence was requested against him. According to the Créteil prosecutor’s office, at no time did this captain take any measures to protect the young woman.


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