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The ambitious French team at the European triathlon championship in this weekend

“We are here to win medals or at least be in the Top 10,” said the president of the French Triathlon Federation, Cédric Gosse, on Friday morning, on the eve of the first day of the European Championship organized this weekend in . The Elite athletes intend to do well on French soil.

It was the president of the French Triathlon Federation who set the tone on Friday morning, during a press conference attended by members of the French Elite team as well as the Paralympic champion, Alexis Hanquinquant.Press conference of the European Triathlon Championship in Vichy. From left to right: Renato Bertrandi, President of Europe Triathlon, Cédric Gosse, President of the French Triathlon Federation and Carole Vialat, Director of the organization
“We are here to win medals or at least be in the Top 10,” declared Cédric Gosse on the Vichy site where the European championship for age groups, Elite and “para” will be held this weekend.


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