DayFR Euro

Major recruitment operation through sport at Jean Dauger

For recruiters and candidates, “From the stadium to employment” is a unique opportunity to meet in an original way, to reveal your human and relational skills, while using a vector common to the professional and sporting domain: the values.

During this day of anonymous recruitmentthe objectives will be twofold. For employers, it is the moment to discover their future employees thanks to an innovative recruitment method, to have real visibility of their interpersonal skills and abilities. For candidates, it is also a moment to meet and surpass themselves in a fun, friendly and sport-based way.

Basketball, athletics, handball, judo and rugby

Poster for the event “From the stadium to employment” at Jean Dauger

The day of Tuesday September 24 will take place in the heart of the Stade Jean Dauger in and will be divided into two parts. In the morning, participants will practice exercises “soft” around rugby, basketball or athletics. After the shared lunch, employers will reveal their identities and their professional worlds. Between team spirit, cohesion, listening skills and rigor, future employees will be able to sell their qualities during the individual interviews that will close this day.

Local and sports partners

To finance and carry out this day of physical activity, France Travail is supported by numerous partners such as: Companies Get Involvedof the National Sports Agencyof Ministry of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Gamesof the French Federations of Soccerof Basketballof Handball etc… and of the Ufolep.

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