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Morocco moves up 11 places in world rankings – Aujourd’hui le Maroc

The UN has just published its 2024 report on e-government in the world. Morocco has made significant progress by gaining 11 places in the new ranking.

The results of the 13th United Nations e-Government Survey for the year 2024 reveal that Morocco has made a significant leap. Indeed, the Kingdom has progressed 11 places in the world ranking, now occupying 90th place out of 193 countries with a score of 0.68. It should be noted that the Kingdom was ranked 101st in 2022, 106th in 2020 and 110th in 2018. On the African continent, Morocco is in 4th place, behind South Africa (40th worldwide), Mauritius (76th) and Tunisia (87th). The e-Government Development Index (EGDI), which assesses the capacity of governments to integrate information technologies to improve the efficiency of public services, is based on three indicators: human capital, telecommunications infrastructure (penetration of fixed and mobile Internet access infrastructures) and online services (quantity and quality of e-services provided). In terms of telecommunications, Morocco performs well with a score of 0.88. In terms of online services, the country obtains a score of 0.56 and for human capital, the Kingdom scores 0.60. These results show continued progress, particularly for digital services intended for citizens. Globally, Denmark remains at the top of the ranking for the 4th consecutive year. It is followed by Estonia, Singapore, the Republic of South Korea and Iceland. Recall that the United Nations e-Government Survey has been published every two years by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs since 2001. The survey tracks the progress of e-government development through the United Nations e-Government Development Index (EGDI). The EGDI, which assesses the development of e-government at the national level, is a composite index based on the weighted average of three standardized indices. One third is derived from the Telecommunications Infrastructure Index (TII) based on data provided by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), one third from the Human Capital Index (HCI) based on data mainly provided by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and one third from the Online Services Index (OSI) based on data collected from an independent online assessment, conducted by UNDESA, that assesses the national online presence of the 193 United Nations Member States, supplemented by a Member States Questionnaire (MSQ). The survey questionnaire assesses several characteristics related to online service delivery, including open government data, e-participation, multi-channel service delivery, mobile services, adoption of use and digital divides, and innovative partnerships using ICTs.


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