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SENEGAL-ENVIRONMENT-ICT / Launch of a project to promote clean technological innovations – Senegalese Press Agency

Dakar, 19 Sept (APS) – The Ministry of the Environment and Ecological Transition launched the Cleantech project on Thursday, which aims to provide funding to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups specializing in the search for clean technological innovations in Senegal, APS noted.

”The Cleantech project will contribute to strengthening the clean technology ecosystem in Senegal, by encouraging technological innovation in strategic sectors such as renewable energy, waste management, sustainable agriculture and water resource management,” said the Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Environment and Ecological Transition, Cheikh Sadibou Diop.

This project, worth 1.8 billion CFA francs, is part of the Global Clean Technology Innovation Program (GCIP) implemented in 17 countries by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Green Climate Fund, a United Nations financial mechanism on climate change.

According to the chief of staff of the Ministry of the Environment and Transition, the Cleantech project gives pride of place to young people and women entrepreneurs, who are the “engines of green innovation” and the “catalysts of change in our societies”.

“The Clean Tech project offers real opportunities to promote sustainable production and consumption methods while combating the harmful effects of climate change,” stressed Cheikh Sadibou Diop.




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