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Anti-Morocco demonstrations, infiltration of social networks… everything about the new methods of parasitism of the Algiers regime

Until now, the parasitism was limited to creating bad buzz on the web, by attacking in whole contingents of “electronic flies” all the publications and shares even slightly favorable to Morocco on social networks. Whether it was in favor of a diplomatic success, a development project or a sporting feat, many trolls and other proxies caricatured, under false profiles, its scope or reduced its importance. It even became a habit and we ended up getting used to it. After all, electronic warfare had been declared and it was the head of the army, Saïd Chengriha himselfwho had given the starting signal.

Except that there is something new in this area. And what were for the time being attempts at nuisance, which indicate more about a total lack of maturity than about any effectiveness, have transformed in recent weeks into incitements aimed at sowing trouble in Morocco. On the Web as well as on the ground.

One of the manifestations of this change in tactics was the wave of migration blocked this weekend by the police on the passage separating the city of Findeq from the occupied presidency of Sebta. If young people and minors, mostly Moroccan (but there were also sub-Saharans, Algerians, Tunisians and even Syrians) returned to this rallying point, it was in response to calls on social networks relayed by accounts, most of them Moroccan, but which were launched by anonymous accounts with unknown IP addresses. The initiators of these calls that snowballed are clearly not Moroccan. The Algiers regime used to fan the flames and emphasize the line. Today, it has resorted to initiating demonstrations, setting times, dates and places. Many of these attempts do not succeed and remain without follow-up. But the story of the attack on Ceuta found an echo in local pages which shared it in all stupidity.

Read also: Who are these Moroccans trying to reach Ceuta? And where is the government?

Better still, among the people stopped as they were about to cross the Findeq-Sebta separation fence, there are many Algerians. The now most famous of them is a TikToker who proudly brandished a state-of-the-art iPhone during her participation in this “great escape”, and incited on the social network to repeat the offense, in defiance of the Moroccan authorities and law enforcement, whom she did not hesitate to denigrate. This fake Moroccan woman was widely reported by Algerian public media.

The “influencer” in question was eventually arrested. The Algerian national was arrested on Tuesday, September 17, by elements of the Royal Gendarmerie of Belyounech and then made available to the judicial authorities of Fnideq for investigation. She is accused of disseminating information on social networks calling for the organization of a mass illegal migration for Sunday, September 15 and of attempting to repeat the offense. This is evidenced by her announcement, in front of the cameras of the media providing coverage on the scene, of her intention to return to the charge, motivating her action sometimes by “lack of job opportunities“, sometimes by his “disease” or that of his child, or even by a vital need “of social assistance” All in perfect darija, and obviously pretending to be Moroccan.

According to our information, the accused will be brought before the competent public prosecutor in Tetouan. Surprisingly or not: in the end, it is this same influencer who has made headlines in the Algerian media, having given wide coverage, obviously in the Algerian style, riddled with lies and exaggerations, to this attempt and its leading “figure”.

Another demonstration of the Algiers regime’s escalation against the sacred values ​​of the Kingdom is the sponsorship and organization of pro-separatist marches and demonstrations in Europe. The technique is dated, but the Algerian government no longer seems to be satisfied with the same “heads” and mercenaries of the Polisario. It is now adding so-called Rif “militants”, for whom it rolls out the red carpet and opens its checkbook wide. It was also surprising to see pro-Polisario and separatists trading their services, claiming to be from the Rif (living in Europe, often from trafficking of all kinds), on this Saturday, September 14 in Brussels, gathered to shout their hatred against Morocco and its institutions in the name of the “fight against the Moroccan occupation”.

Read also: When the Algerian regime supports a bogus project of a “Republic of the Rif”

Even confessed terrorists, with hands bloodied by human lives, have been invited to this “party”. This is the case of Ali Aarrass, a Belgian-Moroccan national arrested in Spain in 2008 and sentenced in Morocco for terrorism, in the Belliraj case, to 12 years in prison (of which he served about ten in the Kingdom).

Released in 2020, it transformed, as if by magic, into “human rights defender» and in «victim of torture“, hoping to hide his bloody past as leader, financier and logistician of the terrorist movement “Al Moujahidine du Maroc”, whose members he also armed. It is therefore natural that he has found his place as a foil for separatist theses and agendas hostile to the country to which he nevertheless claims to belong.

Significantly, the media coverage of this outing by the “Rif independence fighters” had the honour of being relayed by official and international Algerian television: AL24.

After all, why not, since Algiers offered a luxurious villa on the heights of Algiers to a handful of ex-convicts of Rif origin to open their representative office under the banner of the “Rif Nationalist Party”. This was last March, when the leader of this group, a certain Yuba El Ghdioui, had explicitly requested military and logistical aid from the junta. In addition to training camps, of course.

If, all in all, only a few dozen people were able to gather in this demonstration, we will note the “mix” of genres orchestrated by the Algiers regime to try to give a critical mass to its charge against Morocco and its territorial integrity. A new twist that is apparently only just beginning and which will, without a doubt, have the same resounding failure as its previous ones. The techniques change, but the stupidity remains intact.


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