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The luxury hotel project abandoned in this bourgeois house


Julien Van Caeyseele

Published on

September 18, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

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Although several proposals have already been studied, the developers have not managed – for the moment – ​​to find common ground with the co-owners and the municipality, for the future of the property which until recently housed the Villa Baucis.

A new real estate project abandoned at the former Villa Baucis

This bourgeois house, located at 45, boulevard Foch, in Fontainebleau (Seine-et-Marne) hosted an Ehpad specializing in the care of Alzheimer’s disease until its move, last March, to the site of the Fontainebleau hospital. In recent months, negotiations have been conducted with a developer for the construction of a luxury hotel on this plot.

However, according to our information, this project has fallen through and the hotel establishment will not be built. “There are currently no more projects being studied, but we will continue to study the requests in the coming months,” says one of the co-owners of the site.

It must be said that the room for maneuver are limited: the project must suit the co-owners, but the municipality also has its say in the matter… “We are not changing our vision for this site,” insists Julien Gondardthe mayor of Fontainebleau.

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Future project leaders will have to respect several principles such as “the conservation of the main house, the recommendation of a project which is based on the existing, the maintenance of green spaces and an imperative: not to densify this plot.”

At the beginning of the year, the Fontainebleau Patrimoine association was concerned about a possible plot densificationwith the presentation of a document entitled “capacity studies”. The plans referred to the construction of seven four-storey buildings on the grounds of the Villa Baucis.

A land likely to attract developers

Although the representative of the co-owners had admitted to contacts with a developer (who had finally withdrawn from the project, before new contacts with another developer for the hotel project), he had refuted the figures put forward by the association, recalling “that densification would not be accepted on the site.”

If this land at the entrance to the city is likely to whet the appetite of developers, heritage conservation associations and local residents should remain vigilant about the future of the site… In the past, the construction of the extension of the former Ehpad had already led to legal proceedings.

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