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Weather: Temperatures Rise Before the Arrival of Autumn

We grant you, no one really understood this sudden cold snap forcing the return of jackets, sweaters, and even scarves, in this first half of September. If we are generally happy to see Indian summer looming at the start of the school year, the disappointment was clearly immense. But let’s not speak too quickly. Between the Wednesday 18 and Saturday 21 Septemberthe sun will return to and relatively mild temperatures, compared to what we have known so far, will be felt.

Sunshine forecast for the capital and all of

You had already exchanged your summer wardrobe with the fall/winter one? Get ready to swap them again! This weekend, Paris and the North of France will be treated to much milder weather. On this Wednesday, September 18, 23 degrees will be felt in the afternoon according to Météo France and not a cloud does not seem to be on the horizon. Tomorrow, Thursday, September 19, the day will begin with 16 degrees in the morning, reaching up to 24 degrees in the middle of the day. The evening will also be sunny. The same observation for the day of Friday, September 20. Overall, these forecasts will be the same throughout France. In the afternoon, temperatures will vary between 19 degrees in and 25 degrees in the Alpes-Maritimespassing through 21 degrees in Alsace and 23 degrees on average on the Vendée side.

The sweetness of summer before the gloom of autumn

If we have one piece of advice to give you, here it is: enjoybecause this lull will be short-lived. If the weather will be still nice on Saturday, September 21, precipitation will take over western France in the afternoon, and gradually spread across the whole of France during the night. Sunday, September 22, the rain will fall all day and temperatures will drop to around 19 degrees in the capital. Eastern France should be spared in the first part of the day, but will also be entitled to showers in the evening. Autumn arrives and he lets us know!


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