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Arpaillargues-et-Aureilhac: two new associations

The associative activity in the municipality has proven to be particularly dynamic, as evidenced by the first week of September. On this occasion, a meeting of the presidents of associations took place at the town hall, followed by a forum dedicated to them. Although the latter was moved to the multipurpose room due to uncertain weather conditions, the day confirmed the enthusiasm around local associations. The presidents expressed satisfaction with the number of new contacts and memberships recorded.

Sophrology and darts club

Two new associations, created in 2024, particularly attracted the attention of visitors: theAsaa (sophrology association) based in Aureilhac, and Arpadarts, a darts club. They hosted the morning alongside the club Dances of the worldwho offered several demonstrations of his repertoire.
Other associations have also shone through their dynamism. Capitals recorded a record number of memberships, while The Zebrine presented the new edition of the jam festival. The festival committee, for its part, unveiled the preparations for the next Halloween party, while Aptaa announced the Festival of Possibilities. Arpagus confirmed a full stay in Spain, and ADPAC is already sold out for the third edition of its Book fair in February 2025. In addition, several associations have joined forces to organize the next Telethonalready in preparation.

17 associations in Arpaillargues

The dynamism of other associations, such as the Compagnie de l’Ours, The Silk Thread And the hip-hop clubis no longer to be demonstrated. In total, these are 17 associations who will bring life to the town this year, closely supported by the municipal team, always present to accompany the volunteers in their actions.
The morning ended on a friendly note, with an aperitif lunch offered by the mayor, elected officials and technical services of the town hall, in the library garden, bringing together around a hundred people in a warm atmosphere.


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