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In this city of Seine-et-, the police are hunting down electric scooters


Agnes Braik

Published on

Sep 18, 2024 at 11:23 AM

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Users of electric scooters are subject to the rules of Traffic Laws and it is clear that many of them seem to ignore them.

During the road control conducted in the city center of (Seine-et-Marne), on the morning of Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 36 machines were checked and 28 users have been verbalized.

Numerous offences noted by the police

The departmental public security service, the Melun police and the municipal police have in fact noted traffic on the sidewalkliable to a fine of 135 €The police recorded numerous other offences: failure to present insurance, driving with a mobile phone in hand or with an audio system and the absence of an orange side reflector.

The police remind that insurance East OBLIGATORY and that it is necessary move alone on his scooter and not two. “The headset and the telephone are prohibited, in order to remain attentive, explains a police source. Drivers must use cycle paths, if there are none, you must ride on the road. The maximum speed is 25 km/h and the engine must be flange. And if you go onto the sidewalk, you get off the two-wheeler and push it, so as not to hinder or endanger pedestrians.

Electric scooters prohibited for children under 14

Other requirements include: the presence of an audible warning device and a braking system; position lights at the front and rear when visibility is poor. At night, you must wear a reflective vest. The helmet is not mandatory but strongly recommendedcontinues the police, who specify that driving an electric scooter is prohibitedfor under 14sThe operation, during which motorists were also fined, particularly for not stopping at a red light, will be repeated in Melun.

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