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Election of the Court of Auditors: interview with Frédéric Varone

Continuation of our interviews with the candidates for the Court of Auditors. Socialist candidate for the position of substitute, Frédéric Varone is known for having brought the case of overbilling to the SIG.

Frédéric Varone says he is “not the pilot of the mission”. However, he is the one known for having brought the SIG overbilling affair a few months ago. On our set, he distinguished himself with his barbs against the public authority. Frédéric Varone, however, recalls the collegiality within the Court of Auditors and defines himself in this affair as the spokesperson for the work of the court. “I had the endurance, the sagacity and perhaps, a need for pugnacity at one time or another”, he says.

Deputy magistrate, Frédéric Varone is also a professor of political science at the University of Geneva. “I love academic freedom and the total absence of pressure when working on scientific work.” He specializes in the evaluation of public policies, a skill that he says is “necessary” for the work of the Court of Auditors. “It’s a real pleasure to be able to use my university training to lead these teams,” he adds.

If re-elected, Frédéric Varone would like to continue his work on the Léman Express support measures. “I think that addressing major problems, including those of a cross-border nature, through major joint audits with our French and Vaudois counterparts, is something desirable. I am thinking in particular of the impact of extreme weather events.” Despite the fact that some recommendations are not implemented, the magistrate calls for “implementing means to ensure that they are applied



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