DayFR Euro

No ban on participation in certain NATO exercises

Switzerland’s participation in joint defence exercises with NATO must not be banned. The Council of States rejected a motion from the National Council to this effect on Wednesday by 29 votes to 12 and after a lively debate.

This text would weaken Switzerland’s defence capability. The Swiss army must be able to exercise in conditions close to reality, said Daniel Jositsch (PS/ZH) for the committee. There are also no plans for Switzerland to participate in NATO external border defence exercises. Furthermore, if Switzerland were attacked, neutrality would be obsolete and it would have to be able to defend itself.

Heidi Z’graggen (C/UR) on the other hand considered that participation in NATO defence exercises is problematic from the point of view of neutrality. Participation in exercises of an alliance is not the same as bilateral exercises with neighbouring countries, she stressed.

The Minister of Defence recalled that the Federal Council examines participation in NATO exercises on a case-by-case basis and will not approve any that would endanger neutrality.




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