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The Sprint’Art program helps contemporary artists to develop

Are we born artists or do we become one? » It’s difficult to answer this question. And if there are training courses to support artists in their careers, it is by noting their rarity, particularly in Africa, that the Sprint’Art initiative was born in Tunisia. Last July, the 8th edition of this event took place in Dakar.

With our correspondent in Dakar, Gwendal Lavina

Art is universal. There is no barrier between who should make art… “From July 23 to 30, eight young artists discuss art and learn, alongside professionals, how to showcase their work. They address practical issues such as selling a project or creating a portfolio to approach galleries.

For COD, a young photographer from Dakar, Sprint’Art meets a real need: ” Here at Senegalwe don’t have enough training in artistic creation. That’s why I registered to have an opening on the artistic market. »

Also readSenegal: an exhibition pays tribute to the Sandaga market, an emblematic place of life in the heart of Dakar

Incubation program

Training as many people as possible, particularly in Africa where artistic courses are not numerous, is the main objective of Sprint’Art. Khalil Liouane, co-founder of the Archivart Gallery in Tunis and initiator of the project, sums up:

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