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24 people have died on the roads of Corsica since the beginning of the year

Although Corsica did not record a significant increase in accidents during the summer, the number of fatal accidents is increasing in South Corsica compared to last year.

Figures still too high. On September 17, the prefectures of South Corsica and Haute-Corse published the accident report on the island’s roads for the month of August.

Thus, since January 1, 2024, 189 accidents have occurred in Haute-Corse and 186 in Corse-du-Sud. Figures which have respectively increased by 15% and 9% compared to the same period last year.

Across the region, these accidents caused the death of 24 people. This year, 13 people died on the roads of South Corsica and 11 on those of Haute-Corse. During the month of August, state services recorded two fatal accidents in South Corsica and one in Haute-Corse.

The cumulative number of fatal accidents since January shows an increase of 86% in South Corsica compared to the same period in 2023 (+6 fatal accidents). Haute-Corse records a decrease of 21% on this cumulative number (-3 fatal accidents).

The number of injured people is decreasing across the region. The prefectures observed a decrease of 12% in South Corsica and 8% in Haute-Corse between January and August 2024 and the same period the previous year.

Since the beginning of the year, 573 license suspensions have been recorded in Haute-Corse. In detail, they concern alcohol in 204 cases, excessive speed in 189 cases, narcotics in 172 cases and finally refusals to comply or submit in 8 cases. The figures for South Corsica have not been transmitted.

The report by Pierre Nicolas and Christian Giugliano:

video duration: 00h02mn19s

Thomas Verdoni, Driving and Road Safety Instructor; Audrey Rimann, Student in training for a motorcycle license; Adrien Panisi, 17 years old, resident of Biguglia; Alain Le Batteux, Former Vice-President of the Angry Bikers Federation.

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