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a slight resurgence of interest in gyms

The weight training, fitness and water sports rooms in are seeing a slight increase in interest from the people of Deux-Sèvres. However, the Olympic and Paralympic Games do not seem to be the trigger, according to the managers contacted.

For Manon Bouvron, manager of Fiteo, this mainly concerns “swimming lessons”The room, specializing in aquatic practices and fitness, also offers aquabike and aquagym classes. “I don’t know if it’s the effect of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, or the month of September, but there is a desire to do sport again.”

Nothing exceptional

The same goes for the Wake Up Form fitness room. “It’s a month of recovery. So far, it’s working well. But registrations will really start from this week.”confides the manager, Christophe Jérôme, who does not see any Olympic effect for the moment.

Difficult to quantify the impact of the Olympic Games

“We had planned large, assuming strong demand. We are not there yet.” Renovation, new coaches: the room has undergone several changes at the start of the season. For this reason, “It will be difficult to quantify the impact of the Olympic Games”.

Séraphin, manager of the Keepcool fitness room, has already recorded a 2 to 3% increase in registrations. Nothing exceptional: “It remains very light.” For him, the Olympics had no impact on new subscribers. “Customers don’t talk to us about the Olympics.”


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