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An obstacle stands in front of the Rasses pumptrack

An obstacle stands on the pump track

At the end of the public inquiry, twenty oppositions sanction the flagship “4 seasons” tourism project wanted by the municipalities of Bullet and Sainte-.

Published today at 09:00

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The cornerstone of the “4 seasons” tourism strategy of the Balcon du Jura, adopted by the political authorities of Sainte-Croix and Bullet in autumn 2023, is contested. At the public inquiry until September 12, the project to create a “pumptrack” combined with a “skill center” at the foot of the Rasses ski slopes has given rise to the filing of no fewer than 20 individual oppositions.

Signed mainly by local residents, the protests concern three points. First, the potential noise pollution caused by users of this bumpy urban sliding circuit for bikes, scooters, rollerblades and skateboards. Then, the planned positioning of this hard structure on a grassy area. Finally, the need to move the snow garden that occupies it by 200 meters in a north-east direction.

Snow garden to move

“This last argument is not really valid, since this move will happen anyway. Its current location is not practical when it has to be covered with artificial snow produced further away,” says Malik Boukhris. Even if he imagined that they would be a little less numerous, the municipal official responsible for land use planning and construction policing in Bullet expected such reactions. Particularly following the public information session set up at the end of August by the Bullaton Executive for its population.

Municipal representative in charge of tourism in Sainte-Croix, Yvan Pahud does not pass judgment. “I would regret if this project did not happen. But although my municipality is financing it to the tune of 100,000 francs (editor’s note: compared to 14,900 for Bullet and 213,200 in various subsidies)it is on the territory of Bullet that it is planned. Therefore, I take note and respect the decision that will be taken.

The next steps will nevertheless be the subject of a discussion between the two municipalities, when the Canton has looked into the matter. And if Malik Boukhris sees two or three avenues likely to smooth things over, Yvan Pahud points out that he does not see where such a project could be better inserted than in a tourist and sports activity zone, as is currently planned.


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