DayFR Euro

Weather for this Wednesday September 18, 2024 in Corsica

Image Météo

Weather for this Wednesday, September 18, 2024 in Corsica, Saint Nadège’s day.

The weather will be disturbed today in Haute-Corse and more particularly on the eastern coast and the centre of the island. Rain showers, even hail, will be frequent and abundant all day long. Thunderstorms will mainly affect the north-eastern quarter of Corsica.

South Corsica and especially the western coast should be spared from the storm phenomenon. Clouds will be present, but also clear spells. There should be no rain in this area.

In the evening, however, storms could affect all of Corsica. They will be localized. The wind is weak everywhere, except on Cap Corse and Balagne where it is moderate. It blows up to 60 km/h.

Temperatures remain cool for the season, but still pleasant.

23° in Aiacciu and Prupià.
22° in Portivechju and Bunifaziu.
20° in , Vicu and Sartè.
19° in Corti, Calvi, Lisula, Vicu, Zicavu, Cervioni.
17° in Prunelli di Fium’Orbu, Ruglianu and Pietralba.


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