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This tearful call made by the main suspect to investigators, “Come and get me…”

Almost 1 year after Lina disappeared on the path that took her on foot to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station (Bas-Rhin), a new press conference is planned. Thus, this Thursday, September 19Jean-Luc Blachon, the public prosecutor of , has planned to speak on the case. For the moment, the content of the conference is not known, but the latest developments give rise to hope for the resolution of the investigation.

Although investigators have already made a giant step forward in the investigation by finding the vehicle the 15-year-old girl got into and discovering the identity of its drivermany gray areas remain. Especially since the main suspect, Samuel G., 43, killed himself at his home in Besançon, before the police questioned him. Today, the police must make do with the few clues at their disposal and the last conversation they had with the suspect.

Lina’s disappearance: this lunar phone call made by the main suspect before her suicide

According to information from The Republican EastSamuel G. made a phone call to investigators. A phone call that took place before his suicide. Thus, in mid-June, when the police summoned him to answer their questions about the car stolen in Germany, the forty-year-old reportedly called them back in tears. He then allegedly begged them: “Come and get me”.

A distress call who is questioning. Did Samuel G. contact the investigators, feeling the end of his freedom approaching?Perhaps he was no longer able to lead a normal life after committing the acts of which he is now suspected: the kidnapping of Lina.“, our colleagues ask. For the moment, there is no certainty about the reasons which pushed the main suspect to contact the police.

Disappearance of Lina in Bas-Rhin: this tearful call made by the main suspect to investigators, “Come and get me…”

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Photo credit: TF1

Disappearance of Lina in Bas-Rhin: the criminal journey of Samuel G. retraced

His borderline personality and tumultuous past were, however, mentioned by a Source close to the investigation, the daily confides. Indeed, before being identified as the driver of the stolen car in which traces of Lina’s DNA were found, Samuel G. had already made himself known to the justice system. A month before September 23, 2023, the day of the teenager’s disappearance, the father attacked an old lady’s handbag, then held up a convenience store.

For these two offences, the former teacher at a vocational high school in Besançon was arrested and was due to
appear in court correctional on July 20, 2024. On July 10, he hanged himself in his apartment.

Lina soon to be found? This lead followed by investigators to find the teenager’s trace

The death of the main suspect leaves many questions unanswered. What was the motive in Lina’s kidnapping? What happened to the young girl? Was he alone in the car when the teenager crossed his path? Now, investigators are focusing on GPS data at their disposal. Thanks to them, they discovered the different steps taken by Samuel G. on the day of Lina’s disappearance.

Photo credit: DR

“macabre journey”
which begins on the morning of September 23 very early in Besançon. Later in the morning, the vehicle driven by the main suspect crossed the German border to return to and pass through Plaine and Bas-Rhin around 11:20. A schedule similar to the one Lina sent his last message to her boyfriend Tao, before mysteriously disappearing.


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