DayFR Euro

et-Garonne – Civil security is everyone’s business: signing of an agreement by Civil Security cadets

An agreement concerning the implementation of the Civil Security cadet program was signed at the family institute (Tarn-et-Garonne)

Vincent Roberti, Prefect of Tarn-et-Garonne, was at the Institut familial college in Montauban on September 12 to participate in the signing of the agreement relating to the implementation of the Civil Security cadet program, alongside Michel Weill, president of the departmental council and the board of directors of SDIS 82, and Cyril Le Normand, Academic Director of National Education Services (DASEN) in Tarn-et-Garonne.

The chairman of the board of directors of SDIS 82, the chairman of the departmental union of firefighters of Tarn-et-Garonne, Lieutenant EVRARD, and the principal of the Institut Familial Théas college, Sophie Martinez, signed this agreement which will strengthen the partnership between the three entities.

In his speech, the Prefect supported this initiative aimed at training committed, responsible citizens ready to serve their community with dedication and courage, thanks to the expertise of firefighters and civil security.

Civil security: a key figure in crisis management

A key figure in rescue and crisis management in , Civil Security is on all fronts. It relies on 250,000 firefighters and on national reinforcements who can intervene throughout the national territory and abroad.

At the heart of this system, firefighters represent the first link in the rescue chain. Throughout France, this public service is a formidable network of solidarity and proximity with the population. Faced with exceptional situations, Civil Security mobilizes its 2,500 men and women, its land and air material resources on all types of disasters to strengthen local rescue systems. Public education and awareness is another of the missions of Civil Security and more particularly of its general management.
Civil Security experts design training programs and educational guides for all crisis stakeholders. This will enable them to develop emergency plans and thus limit the effects of a disaster on the population.

During and after the crisis, Civil Security relies on the 250,000 volunteers from associations throughout the country. It pilots feedback and plays a decisive role in helping disaster victims. Enough to anticipate future crises and limit their effects on the population.


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