DayFR Euro

Gilles Gaillard is the new departmental director of Travail

Since the 1er July, each of the thirteen departments in the region has a Travail departmental director. Gilles Gaillard has taken over as director for Lozère, whose agency is in Mende.

A journey of experience

Gilles Gaillard joined Assédic Languedoc-Roussillon in 1988, at the Nîmes agency, and became Hérault Assédic network coordinator in 2006, then deputy territorial director of Pôle Emploi -Lozère in 2010, with five agencies and nearly 300 employees. Lozère is a region he knows well and which will allow him to promote local work. Lozère has an unemployment rate of 4.8% (Source Insee); 3,910 job seekers registered in category ABC, at the end of June 2024 (Source France Travail); 1,120 job offers proposed, at the end of June 2024 (Source France Travail). The appointment of a director per department responds to a need for proximity to work as closely as possible with local employment stakeholders, elected officials and companies constituting the economic fabric of the department concerned.


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