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-Atlantique CPAM ordered to pay

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A resident of the Guérande peninsula had to be hospitalized and operated on urgently during a stay in Switzerland in June 2019. After having paid more than €55,000 in expenses, the patient had faced a refusal of reimbursement from the -Atlantique Primary Health Insurance Fund. After a long legal battle, the Social Security was finally ordered to reimburse the heirs of the victim, who is now deceased.

The CPAM of Loire-Atlantique was condemned by a decision of the Court of Appeal on September 4. | FRED DUFOUR/AFP

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  • The CPAM of Loire-Atlantique was condemned by a decision of the Rennes Court of Appeal on September 4. | FRED DUFOUR/AFP

The patient unfortunately died, but his heirs wanted to continue his legal fight. And the Rennes Court of Appeal has just ruled in their favor.

In a ruling dated September 4, 2024, it ordered the Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM) of Loire-Atlantique to reimburse them for the colossal costs incurred during hospitalization in Switzerland.

An illness he was unaware of before his trip

The story goes back to the summer of 2019. During a stay on the other side of the Alps, this man living on the Guérande peninsula…


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