DayFR Euro

Regional cooperation: The Senate delegation for Overseas Territories is developing an ambitious draft report devoted to the place of and Mayotte in the Indian Ocean basin

The draft report first notes that ” French overseas territories are poorly integrated into their regional environment ” And ” foreign to their geography “. The text underlines that the overseas territories are hampered in their economic and cultural development by an outdated concept which sees them only as relays of French power.. He proposes to reverse this approach by emphasizing the specific interests of these territories in their region, which would also strengthen ’s influence. Moreover, cooperation is crucial for their stability and security, especially since these territories face environmental and geostrategic risks, and the rise of criminal networks.

Yet, the general feeling remains that of a regional cooperation policy which struggles to produce concrete results and to initiate its own dynamics. A proliferation of initiatives, actors, funding, priorities is not enough to make an effective policy. Under multiple terms – regional cooperation/decentralized cooperation/international or external action of communities – many actors are involved without always coordinating or consulting each other. “, write the rapporteurs.

The study notes that regional cooperation, instead of promoting the integration of overseas territories in their region, is often used as a substitute. Despite this critical observation, there is no point in discouraging the efforts of the territories, the State, the European Union and socio-economic actors, because progress has been made.. ” On the other hand, it invites us to question the way in which these policies are conducted and the blocking mechanisms at work. “, the text specifies.

The report warns against considering regional integration as a miracle solution for overseas territories. It instead proposes a realistic approach to regional integration.different from European integration, which would not be a relevant model for the Overseas Territories. Regional economic integration could pose risks, particularly because of competition from low-cost countries with less stringent standards. Membership of the European Union, although offering significant funding, is being questioned as a main asset. The delegation also favours a study by ocean basin (here the first part devoted to the Indian Ocean basin), taking into account the specificities of each territory for effective cooperation.

The report formulates a total of 20 concrete proposals based on four axes. The first is to make the territories the leaders of their economic integration:Affirm the leading role of the department of Mayotte and the Réunion region in matters of cooperation and economic integration, and make the Regional Economic Development, Internationalization and Innovation Plan (SRDEII) the master document of an economic strategy on a basin scale ; Strengthen Mayotte’s maritime connectivity (…) ; and stimulate regional mobility “, in particular by reviewing the visa policy with each country in the region, and by diversifying the countries of origin of tourists.

The second is to build a European Outermost Neighbourhood Policy (EUP). For the rapporteurs, the EU has not drawn all the consequences of the presence of its overseas territories in the Indian Ocean. It would therefore be necessary, among other things, ” to include in the next work programme of the European Commission the adoption of an “OR package” to remove legislative obstacles to their regional integration and combat the high cost of living, particularly in the agri-food, waste treatment and energy sectors “.

The third axis is to assume French overseas diplomacy. To this end, the report recommends in particular:regularly organize ” Overseas Diplomacy Conference”, in the presence of the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Overseas Territories, jointly with the Parliamentary Diplomacy Conference; to create a “Directorate for Overseas Regional Cooperation” bringing together the three delegated ambassadors and significantly strengthening their teams; and to make the French Indian Ocean Cooperation Platform (PCFOI) the body for co-construction of the regional cooperation policy “.

Finally, the fourth axis recommends:establish French sovereignty in Mayottethe presence of France there being contested and exploited. The rapporteurs therefore propose to ” affirm the objective of full recognition of Mayotte’s membership in France and deploy a sustainable strategy : by systematically involving Mayotte officials; by making the regional economic integration of Mayotte its main lever; by relying on the “iron curtain” project around Mayotte to extinguish the migratory blackmail from the Comoros, and to strengthen France’s role as provider of security and stability in the region “, in particular by concluding judicial and police cooperation agreements and readmission agreements with the States of the region.



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