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In this commune of -Atlantique, they are proud of their… Pride march


Clisson Editorial

Published on

Sep 17, 2024 at 9:02 AM

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Around 400 people participated in this second edition of the Vineyard Pride March who animated ClissonThis Saturday September 14. An event initiated by the Clisson association Who loves us follows us and bringing together different local LGBTQIA+ associations who claimst freedom and equality of sexual orientations and some gender identities.

Pride Marches are beginning to emerge as events at the national level. -Atlantique claims several events on this theme. In Clisson, other neighbouring associations were also present such as SOS Homophobie 44, Queer Attitude based in VendeeEsprit Arc-En-Ciel d’Ancenis or Contact 44 which facilitates parent-child relationships on these sometimes delicate topics to address.

From 3:30 p.m. on the station forecourtthere were informal meetings and exchanges between participants, the presentation of stands. Then, there were speeches from partner associations and testimonies personal.

This year the march took place in the city centre with a float, placards and slogans and also songs. At the end of the march we met again on the forecourt of the station.

Claire and Victor, members of the association organizing the event.
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But no party drag show like last year, due to lack of accessible room.

A glaring lack of inclusion

Among the various interventions, the emphasis was mainly placed on ” THE lack of inclusion “, ” THE rejection And injustice that those who have done the choice of personal sexual orientations or of gender ». After the speeches, it is a very festive parade, coloredand good-natured who walked a circuit of about an hour in the city center.

With a mixing generationsbut with a rather young dominance. Among the participants, activistspeople who were personally concerned but also those who came to support the process or to understand it better. Like the Clissonnes Marie-Claire and Anne, grandmothers:

We are also both concerned with each having a granddaughter who is about to become a boy. We support them and being here also helps us to have a better understanding and to feel less isolated.

An initiative that has ttouched to the heart. This kindness is expected by all.

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