DayFR Euro

Weather Alert: Severe rain and storm damage between Corsica and PACA

Tuesday, September 17 at 5:00 p.m. At
Thursday, September 19 at 0:00


The former depression Boris which caused severe bad weather in central Europe in recent days is shifting to Italy this Tuesday. It is still associated with a cold drop at altitude (cold air) and is causing significant rain and thunderstorm deterioration in Corsica and the PACA region. This Tuesday, strong thunderstorms are already breaking out in the afternoon in the Alpes-Maritimes, the and, to a lesser extent, Corsica. Thunderstorms may also spill over into neighboring departments such as the Alpes de Haute-Provence and the Bouches-du-Rhône (as far as ). This evening and tonight, the thunderstorms will stop in PACA but the situation will worsen in Haute-Corse, with the onset of heavy thunderstorms. South Corsica is also affected but to a lesser extent because it is more sheltered in this easterly flow. The very stormy and heavily rainy situation will continue throughout the day on Wednesday before calming down only the following night.


This Tuesday

At 3 p.m.strong storms break out on the coast between and Saint-Tropez with high instantaneous intensities (>100 mm). The easterly wind strengthens as these storm squalls pass, between 50 and 70 km/h. Other more isolated storms break out over Corsica.

At 12 noonno real change at midday in the departments on alert. On the other hand, thunderstorms are increasing in the Gulf of Genoa and others are touching the south-east coast of Corsica.

At 10 a.m.the first storms are breaking out off the coast of Corsica and in the Gulf of Genoa but have not yet affected the departments placed on alert by our services.



Tonight and next night: In the second part of the evening, heavy rainstorms set in over Haute-Corse. In this easterly flow, they tend to get stuck on the eastern slopes of the Corsican Mountains. Several bursts of rainstorms thus rise all night, north of an Aléria-Calvi axis. Rainfall intensities can reach up to 30 mm/h. A risk of small hail is possible under thunderstorms.


Morning : large rain packets continue to rise over Haute-Corse, in the winding of the depression. These are still the same sectors which are the most affected, as well as Cap Corse in particular. The intensities can still reach 30 mm/h.

Afternoon : the rains could become less continuous in Haute-Corse, while southern Corsica could in turn be affected by high rainfall intensities (20 to 30 mm/h).

Evening : Heavy thunderstorms could persist in Haute-Corse until late. The statement could be extended until early Thursday morning for Haute-Corse.

Over the whole episode we expect:

– strong storms, potentially hail-producing this Tuesday afternoon in PACA and Corsica
– storm accumulations between 20 and 40 mm this Tuesday afternoon
– A strong easterly wind on the Côte d’Azur this Tuesday afternoon with gusts of up to 90 km/h
– Accumulations ranging from 80 to 100 mm in general with peaks of more than 150 mm towards Cap Corse.


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