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In , 2000 trees will be distributed free of charge to individuals

Called “On your trees, get set, plant!”, the operation launched by the metropolitan area plans to give away 2,000 trees for free, 70% of which will be fruit trees, to green individual homes.

Le Figaro Lyon

To improve biodiversity in the city, the Lyon metropolitan area will distribute 2,000 trees to residents of its 58 municipalities on November 23. Trees, 70% of which will be fruit varieties from local plantations, which must be planted in open ground upon receipt. “People will choose their type of tree and its size. We decided to highlight fruit trees because there is always the pleasure of picking the fruit and making jams or clafoutis. But also because it is interesting for pollinators.”confides to the Figaro Pierre Athanaze, Vice-President responsible for the environment and biodiversity.

In cities, more than 70% of green spaces are located on private land. “Even if we, the metropolis, and all the municipalities planted on the entire public domain, we would only affect a third of the territory”continues the ecologist elected official. This operation called “On your trees, get set, plant!” should allow households to acquire trees whose value can sometimes climb in the trade, at the risk of being prohibitive. “When we as a community buy 2,000 trees, we can get wholesale prices. If the trees are expensive, it is because it is a lot of work and years of cultivation before we can sell them.”explains Pierre Athanaze. This donation will cost Greater Lyon 88,000 euros.

52,000 trees planted in 2023

Several conditions have been put in place to be able to register and receive your tree: live in one of the 58 municipalities of the Lyon Metropolis, be the owner or tenant of a detached house with a garden, have access to open ground. Online registration begins this Monday, September 16 and will last until October 20. Registered people will be able to come and collect their plants on November 23 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Parilly park or at the Domaine de Lacroix-.

On site, park gardeners will be present to help budding gardeners plant their trees in the best possible way. Depending on the success of this operation, which is intended to be repeated, the number of trees made available could increase from next year.

Last year, the metropolis planted 52,000 trees on its territory. Subsidy schemes for planting in collective housing and residences have also been set up and aid for residential areas will be introduced.


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