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A family leaves New Caledonia to settle in Franche-Comté, “we will try to find our bearings, but we remain confident and united”

New Caledonia has been experiencing a major crisis since May 13, 2024. A couple with their two children, who have ties to Vescemont in the Territoire-de-, have chosen to come and settle in Franche-Comté. Meeting.


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On the menu this Thursday lunchtime, it’s sauerkraut. A friendly and family dish that brings together around the table Maïckel, Alexia, their two daughters and grandpa-grandma. A moment of joy that soothes a certain wound: that of having had to leave New Caledonia for mainland France at the beginning of September 2024. Maïckel and Alexia lived there, but the archipelago, in the grip of tensions for several months, caused Maïckel to lose his job. And given the situation, the family preferred to return to mainland France Vescemont in the Territoire-de-Belfort, where Alexia’s family lives.

I was a production technician at KNS and unfortunately the adventure ended, everyone is unemployed, we tried to bounce back, but given the circumstances in New Caledonia, the economy was not and it was difficult to find work

Maïckel Bierge, former resident of New Caledonia

16,000 kilometres away, the Bierge family had invested in a house in the north of the island. They gave up everything to start a new chapter in their lives here in France. We feel a little nostalgia, but also a lot of excitement for this new adventure.”

In the in-laws’ chalet in Vescemont, a purple suitcase is placed on a bed. “That’s mine, Mom,” exclaims the couple’s youngest daughter, with her hair braided. Because once again, the family will have to pack their suitcases. The family is in fact visiting houses to settle permanently here in metropolitan France.

We left New Caledonia confident and united, we remain confident and united. We will try to find our marks, take our bearings, resume our daily lives

Alexia Bierge, former resident of New Caledonia

And pWhy not rent this beautiful little house, with its soft green shutters, in (Territoire-de-Belfort), where the garden would be a lovely playground for Maïckel and Alexia’s children.

Four months ago to the day, on May 13, 2024, New Caledonia was set ablaze by protests over an electoral reform decried by the pro-independence camp. The archipelago has been plagued by violence on a scale not seen since the quasi-civil war of the 1980s.
Eleven people, including two gendarmes, were killed, hundreds of people injured and the material damage is colossal. Although the level of security in the territory has improved significantly in recent weeks, the High Commission of the Republic has decided to maintain several restrictions. Thus, the curfew in force in New Caledonia will be extended and strengthened.


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