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How Ludovic shapes slate to preserve the heritage of Cantal

In Montsalvy, a charming village in Cantal, Ludovic Bioulac, a passionate master roofer, works with determination to preserve an ancestral know-how: the installation of slate tiles. Since adolescence, he has been shaping these emblematic stones of Auvergne roofs within his family business.

Ludovic was born among the roofs, in Cantal. His father, Robert Bioulac, founded Les Toitures d’Auvergne in Montsalvy in 1974, a company specializing in the installation and restoration of slate roofs. Then aged 26, Robert wanted to fly on his own and created the company with his wife who took care of the accounting, drove the truck with the crane and sorted the slates on the construction sites, surprising customers. Gradually, they hired employees to support the growth of the company. Ludovic joined the company at the age of 16: “ It’s a job that I’ve always enjoyed.”he confides. After their father’s death, Ludovic and Dominique took over the management of the company, thus perpetuating the family legacy.


Lauze, an emblematic material of Cantal’s heritage.

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Lauze is much more than just a roofing material in Cantal: it embodies the region’s identity. At the time, it was extracted locally, often less than 10 or 15 kilometers from the construction sites, directly under the feet of the inhabitants. Today, it is still recovered in the region, particularly from demolished buildings, or from renovations where other materials replace stone. Lauze is a very durable material. She is eternal “, says Ludovic. It is perfectly resistant to bad weather, whether it is hail or storms. ” With regular maintenance, a slate roof can last a century. “, he explains. The slates, whether they are made of micaschist (around Montsalvy), basalt or phonolite (in the north of Cantal), must be carefully adjusted, with the largest being placed in the areas most exposed to the wind. Reinventing the slate: an art between tradition and innovation.


In Cantal, Ludovic Bioulac shapes slate to preserve heritage.

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Today, slate roofing is becoming increasingly rare, and many people are still unaware of its existence. However, this practice continues thanks to the passion of the craftsmen of the ten or so companies in the region, including Ludovic. Ludovic, faithful to tradition, has known how to evolve with the times. Preparation represents 40% of the work: the slate is selected and cut on the ground. We listen to the slate, it sings, it resonates in the layers “, he explains. Then, it is placed on the roof with a roofing hammer and galvanized, copper or stainless steel nails, replacing the old wooden dowels. It is necessary ” have a sharp eye “, as Ludovic says. This precision is essential, because each stone must be perfectly adjusted to ensure the watertightness and durability of the roof.

In one day, a roofer can lay between 8 and 12 m² of micaschist, sometimes requiring several weeks or even months to complete a roof.

At a time when slate roofs were considered the covering of modest people, Ludovic and his team are now restoring the splendor of the most prestigious buildings. Among his most notable projects, Ludovic has chosen the Château de Val in Corrèze, where a 65-meter nacelle was used, an exceptionally reliable machine used even for the reconstruction of Notre-Dame de . This project has been described by Ludovic as a “ unique experience ” because of the impressive setting and the technical challenges faced. The company’s remarkable work has been rewarded with several distinctions, including the Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant label, awarded in November 2017. This label, rare in Cantal, recognizes artisanal excellence. Already in 1976, the know-how of Ludovic’s father had been praised by Raymond Barre.


In 1976, Ludovic’s father’s expertise was praised by Raymond Barre.

© DR

Ludovic is not content with preserving heritage, he is also involved in passing on his know-how to new generations. Aware that traditional techniques are threatened with extinction, he is committed to training young craftsmen to ensure the sustainability of these valuable skills. Since September 9, a young apprentice has joined the team to learn the subtleties of the trade, having already completed an internship at Les Toitures d’Auvergne. Although still too young, Ludovic has a fourteen-month-old child and hopes that he will one day take over the company, as he finds the job so rewarding and enjoyable. He particularly appreciates the calm and serenity that working at height offers him: ” We are high up, on a roof, and we are peaceful. We enjoy the surrounding life, it’s a little extra. »

In 2018, the program Météo à la Carte on 3 took an interest in Ludovic’s work.

On the occasion of the 41st edition of the European Heritage Days, Ludovic will be the guest of the show “Vous êtes formidables” on Tuesday, September 17 at 9:00 a.m. on France 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Watch or rewatch now on


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