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Threat to apprenticeship preparation: concern at the Finistère Chamber of Trades

More than a fit of anger, it is a message filled with bitterness that Fabienne Lepoittevin, president of the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Finistère, wanted to deliver, Friday, September 6, 2024, on the occasion of a back-to-school meeting organized at the apprentice training center. At the heart of the subject? The apprenticeship prep, “which is threatened with disappearance in 2025, due to the lack of renewal of state funding.” And to insist: “What we regret is that this system provides access to apprenticeship for young people who are the furthest from employment and who need, precisely, this support to reintegrate.”

The apprenticeship prep course was launched in 2018. Since its creation, 288 young people have been supported by CMA formation Quimper. “With 188 young people considered to have a positive outcome. And 106 have completed their training or are in the process of completing it in our training center,” specifies Fabienne Lepoittevin. Among the sectors that have benefited from it, first appears the tertiary sector (sales, commerce), then the hotel-restaurant-cooking industry, mobility and then food.


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