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Market gardener sues Enedis after losing his entire harvest due to water leak

A market gardener from Soyaux (Charente) has launched legal proceedings against Enedis because he has been the victim of a water leak since September 10. “The whole harvest is ruined […] We won’t be able to plant winter vegetables right away: the soil will be too wet.”he complained to The Free Charente. And the water continues to flow over his 3,000 m2 plot. “I have suffered several thousand euros in damages”he said.

Enedis offers compensation

The water comes from a Source station managed by Enedis, a neighbor of the market gardener. Workers are building a pit there, which has caused a major water leak. Contacted by our colleagues, the company assures that it has warned the market gardener that “this problem was going to happen” and allegedly offered him compensation as part of an amicable agreement. But the farmer, supported by the union La Coordination rurale, contacted a bailiff and sued Enedis.

According to the farmer, water will continue to flow onto the land he farms for two weeks. “I’ve been exploiting it for three years, this is the first time it’s gotten to this point.”he hammered home. Enedis says it is ready to settle the conflict in court.


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