Eure Prefect Simon Babre Appointed Advisor to Prime Minister Michel Barnier

Eure Prefect Simon Babre Appointed Advisor to Prime Minister Michel Barnier
Eure Prefect Simon Babre Appointed Advisor to Prime Minister Michel Barnier

The prefect of Eure, Simon Babre, joins the office of Prime Minister Michel Barnier at Matignon. In an order published in the Official Journal This Tuesday, Simon Babre was appointed interior counsel, head of the security, justice and immigration division. The cabinet is made up of twelve members, nine men and three women.

Simon Babre, 49, was appointed prefect of Eure in July 2022. A graduate of Sciences Po and the École nationale d’administration, he began his career in 2003 as a deputy inspector of administration. In 2008, Simon Babre became chief of staff of the prefect of . In 2010, he was Deputy Chief of Staff to the President of the Republicin charge of presidential trips, speeches and Nicolas Sarkozy’s agenda before occupying until 2018 the positions of secretary general for regional affairs in Lorraine, project manager for the director of human resources, deputy director of personnel, responsible for the ministerial governance mission of human resources at the Ministry of the Interior

In 2019, Simon Babre became Director of Resources and Skills of the National Police to the central administration of the Ministry of the Interior.



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