3-year-old student hit by teacher in 15th arrondissement, complaint filed
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3-year-old student hit by teacher in 15th arrondissement, complaint filed

The parents of a 3-year-old girl filed a complaint last Thursday after discovering that she had been hit by her teacher. The latter has been “replaced” and will be summoned by the rectorate.

The scene was filmed. The parents of a young student, aged three, filed a complaint on Thursday, September 5 against a teacher at the Frères-Voisins nursery school, located in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, after violence against their daughter, report our colleagues from Le Parisien.

The incident occurred the day after the start of the school year and was filmed by a student’s mother, who was in the class that day.

The scene filmed and published on social networks

On the social network X, the lawyer for the parents of the little girl, who is in the first year of primary school, published the video of this violence.

In the latter, the little girl is in tears, before being hit by the teacher. “It’s not a spanking. She hit her on the back,” Vanessa Edberg told Le Parisien.

A few moments later, the student continued to cry and the teacher returned to the charge. She “sprayed a liquid on his head”, the parents’ council indicated on its X account. After being informed of the facts by another mother, the parents immediately went to the police station to file a complaint.

The teacher “replaced” and “summoned” by the rectorate

The rectorate told Le Parisien that the teacher is on leave and “has been replaced in her class.” “She will be summoned to be informed of the follow-up,” it said.

For their part, the parents of the young student say they are “extremely traumatized”.

“I can’t sleep anymore. When I close my eyes, I can hear her cries echoing,” says the father.

“It was her first time going back to school in her life. It’s a big psychological injury for her,” he added.

Martin Regley Journalist


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