It is a radical measure that the head of the Federal Department of Justice and Police proposes, Beat Jans. According to information from the “NZZ AM SONNTAG”, he will soon offer his colleagues from the Federal Council to fully prohibit the adoption of children abroad.
This proposal aims to fight against the abuses that took place in this context, including children declared stillborn or removed from their parents. An expert commission has looked into this problem, arriving at two conclusions. The first would be to tighten the current rules and limit countries of origin. The second to establish a general ban.
The various relationships around the question highlight a multiplication of illegal actions in the field of adoption in recent years. The case of Sri Lanka has been the subject of a further study, but according to the “Nzz Am Sonntag”, abuses were also noted in Spain, Chile, Romania or Georgia. Since the 1970s, thousands of babies torn from their mother have been victims of illegal adoptions.
“Today, comments the German weekly, it is almost unimaginable that for decades, our authorities have brought in Switzerland children from all regions of the world without in -depth examination, believing firmly doing something good.”