This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
Heba Press_ Discount
“Heba Press” learned from its sources that elements of the Royal Gendarmerie of the Sidi Bouzid Center were able to arrest two people searching for them according to research notes linked to the promotion of drugs, where they were overthrown Sunday evening in a tight Ambush through which the royal elements of the gendarmerie infiltrated their virginity in the Titni Dizzy in the industrial district of the Moulay Abdullah group.
This qualitative intervention came after following and tracking the movements of the suspects, who used their two bicycles to move and promote drugs and mental effects among young people and residents of the area.
-As a result, the commander of the Dirt Center of Sidi Bouzid put the plan of a company yard, as they were distributed in the form of three security groups in military clothing and another camouflage by the jalalib, which gave them allowed them to loot the lair and aspic it from all sides, which facilitated the process of stopping them without significant resistance.
During the search of their house, approximately 1,400 kilograms of Al-Shira, approximately 250 kilograms of Sanabel Al-Kif and 50 kilograms of “Taba” were seized, as well as money, in addition to booking two bicycles and bladed weapons.
The suspects were kept under theoretical custody measures at the aforementioned center, in coordination with public prosecutions, in preparation for their attention next Tuesday.