The Minister of the Interior and Public Security, Jean Baptiste Tine, announced on Saturday in Dakar the launch of an exceptional campaign to issue passports and national identity cards. Scheduled from Wednesday January 29 to Friday January 31, 2025, this initiative will take place simultaneously in three locations: Dakar, Thiès and Ndame.
Citizens wishing to obtain their identity documents can go, during these three days, to the dedicated sites: the Porte du Millénaire in Dakar, the Place de France in Thiès, or the sub-prefecture of Ndame, in the Diourbel region. . This campaign aims to meet the needs of populations who do not yet have access to these official documents.
This initiative is part of a global approach by the ministry to strengthen citizen involvement in public cleaning campaigns. According to Jean Baptiste Tine, the objective is to encourage populations to actively participate in the cleanliness of their living environment, by associating access to identity documents with this collective effort.
Alongside this campaign, cleaning operations were carried out this Saturday in several police stations in Dakar, notably at Point E, at Parcelles Assainies, and at Diamaguène Sicap Mbao. These actions, carried out in anticipation of the next monthly cleaning day scheduled for February 1, reflect the ministry’s desire to combine public safety and public hygiene.
-The chosen theme, “Our living environment conditions our safety”, underlines the importance of cleanliness as an essential factor of well-being and safety. Jean Baptiste Tine also highlighted the need to build participatory security. “Instead of having security beneficiaries on one side and actors on the other, we want collaborative security to which citizens and law enforcement contribute,” he explained.
This campaign constitutes a new step in the ministry’s efforts to bring people closer to public services and strengthen links between citizens and security forces. Through these initiatives, the Ministry of the Interior seeks to create a safer and healthier living environment for all Senegalese.