In Indre-et-, “we can assume that the wolf is present without being noticed”

In Indre-et-, “we can assume that the wolf is present without being noticed”
In Indre-et-Loire, “we can assume that the wolf is present without being noticed”

Is the wolf present in Touraine? The question has arisen regularly since it was observed, one morning in November, on the edge of the field, in Cinq-Mars-la-Pile, in 2021. The wolf network of the French Biodiversity Office (OFB) is On standby, while his presence is regularly confirmed in nearby departments, confirms Franck Derré, assistant to the department head and the OFB of Indre-et-.

In recent weeks, the wolf has been observed in Maine-et-Loire and Eure-et-Loir, animal attacks have been attributed to the wolf in the Cher and the . Is the wolf therefore present in the region?

Franck Shores: “The findings and observations have been increasing in recent years. We have to do to erratic animals, which move a lot, looking for their territory or partners. These are isolated individuals who are observed, we do not have a pack made up in the region. »»

Is it the same wolf that was observed?

“No, these are distinct individuals who have been observed in different places in the territory in recent weeks. »»

These departments Circle L'Indre-et-Loire. Can we assume that he also crosses Touraine?

“It is not to be ruled out. The wolf moves a lot, it can travel around fifty kilometers a day. It is a very stealthy, very discreet animal, and we have large forest properties in the department which are not very frequented, so we can assume that it is present without being noticed. This is a strong probability, but it remains an assumption: for the French office of biodiversity, it is officially absent from Indre-et-Loire. »»

Wolf's observations are almost always due to random. Is there a device to search for it?


“In the sectors where we have a very strong doubt, it can happen that we pose photographic traps, but the wolf moves too much, and in a non -predictable way, so that it is effective. We rely on the network of farmers and foresters who are particularly vigilant, and which contact us when there is a doubt. »»

Have you received reports in 2024?

“In Indre-et-Loire, we had a dozen canids reports. We systematically move to collect the maximum of information on site: photos if there is any, and presence indices such as excrement, hairs or imprints. We bring these clues to the OFB wolf network, which validates or not observation. None were validated in 2024. “

The prefecture renewed for 2025 the classification in zone in “circle 3” which corresponds to the “possible areas of the predation of the wolf in the medium term”. Does the department are preparing to see the wolf in its territory?

“We expect it. At OFB, we form our agents to collect clues and to the observation of predation. Do not hesitate, in case of doubt, to take as much information as possible, photos if possible, and to transmit it to us! »»

In November 2021, the wolf reappeared after a century of absence

It was November 26, 2021, in Cinq-Mars-la-Pile. It was 8:20 am when a farmer crossed by chance the road “of a large canine”, erected in a field. He was able to observe it for a few minutes before the wolf fled. He had time to take 14 photos of the animal “in station and running”. Steps on which specialized agents of the French Biodiversity Office quickly identified a gray wolf, recognizable by “its tail and its short ears, its white facial mask, black binders on the tibias and a dorso-ventral gradient” , then described Jean-Noël Rieffel, the regional director of the OFB. The team dispatched on the spot a few hours after the report also noted several fingerprints in the field where the wolf was photographed. It was the first time that the presence of a wolf was observed in Indre-et-Loire for more than a century.

Since then, despite many reports, none has been authenticated since Indre-et-Loire.



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